- September 3, 2023
118 views 2 min

To understand the significance of this new smartphone and the concerns it raises, it’s essential to grasp the broader context of the US-China tech rivalry. The United States, as a technological powerhouse, has long been at the forefront of innovation in areas such as semiconductors, software, and telecommunications. It has also exerted considerable influence through […]

- September 3, 2023
117 views 3 min

The IoT encompasses a vast array of interconnected devices, ranging from smart home appliances to critical infrastructure components in healthcare, energy, transportation, and manufacturing sectors. These devices collect and transmit data, enabling remote monitoring, control, and automation. While this technological advancement promises numerous benefits, it also presents a complex security landscape. China plays a pivotal […]

- September 3, 2023
104 views 3 min

The story begins with a surveillance video that emerged on social media platforms, capturing the attention of millions. In this short clip, a woman is seen in a crowded electronics store, browsing the latest gadgets, including the much-anticipated iPhone 14. As the video unfolds, the woman appears to be just like any other shopper, inspecting […]

- September 3, 2023
111 views 2 min

China’s technological prowess extends to advanced surveillance systems, posing serious questions about data privacy and security. To address this, nations and organizations must harness technology to develop sophisticated surveillance detection and prevention systems. These systems play a critical role in identifying and mitigating potential threats associated with surveillance and data breaches. Artificial intelligence emerges as […]

- September 3, 2023
3,615 views 4 min

Maritime surveillance in Australia is a formidable challenge, given the vastness of its maritime domain, which spans over 16 million square kilometers of ocean. This includes territorial waters, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and responsibilities in the Pacific Islands region. Traditional surveillance methods have relied on naval vessels, aircraft, and satellite technology, all of which […]

- September 3, 2023
108 views 3 min

At the heart of this diplomatic row lie the Kalapani, Limpiyadhura, and Lipulekh regions, which Nepal has historically asserted as part of its territory. These regions have been the subjects of contention between Nepal and India for decades, with overlapping territorial claims. Adding another layer of complexity to this issue, China has its own territorial […]

- September 3, 2023
190 views 57 sec

The territorial dispute over Arunachal Pradesh is a long-standing issue between India and China, stemming from the 1962 Sino-Indian War. Despite numerous rounds of negotiations, a lasting resolution remains elusive. The region’s importance lies not only in its strategic location but also in its cultural and geographic significance to India. At the heart of the […]

- September 3, 2023
254 views 3 min

Prime Minister Modi’s statement underscores India’s firm stance on maintaining its autonomy and independence in foreign affairs. It reaffirms the principle that decisions related to diplomatic engagements are internal matters, guided by the nation’s interests and strategic objectives. This declaration is particularly relevant in the context of India’s complex relationships with both Pakistan and China. […]

- September 3, 2023
216 views 2 min

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, triggered by a massive 2011 earthquake and tsunami, ranks among the most significant nuclear crises since Chernobyl in 1986. Japan’s response was multifaceted, involving evacuations, safety measures, and reactor decommissioning. International bodies, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), monitored Japan’s actions and found them generally transparent and cooperative. […]

- September 3, 2023
630 views 2 min

The Solomon Islands, situated in the South Pacific, has faced persistent challenges related to internal strife and governance problems. In response, Australia launched the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) nearly two decades ago. RAMSI’s primary objectives were to restore law and order, rebuild infrastructure, and support good governance within the country. Australia has […]