- August 23, 2023
97 views 3 min

Japan has been grappling with the lingering aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster that unfolded in 2011 following a massive earthquake and tsunami. Over the past decade, significant efforts have been invested in cleaning up the contaminated site. However, a major challenge persists: the accumulation of vast amounts of treated but radioactive water. In response […]

- August 23, 2023
110 views 4 min

The Australia-U.S. alliance is not a recent development. It dates back to the early 20th century, with both nations fighting alongside each other in various conflicts, including World War I and World War II. This shared history laid the foundation for a robust partnership that has evolved significantly over time. However, it is in recent […]

- August 23, 2023
110 views 2 min

Data has become the currency of modern society. It informs policies, guides businesses, and influences public opinion. However, it’s crucial to recognize that data is never entirely neutral. Selecting which data to present and how to present it constructs a narrative that can significantly impact how people perceive reality. China, a global superpower, has long […]

- August 23, 2023
115 views 2 min

One of the primary drivers behind the economic challenges faced by Chinese consumers is the shifting consumption patterns within the country. Traditionally, China has been known as a manufacturing powerhouse, driving its economic growth. However, in recent years, there has been a concerted effort to rebalance the economy towards consumption-led growth. This shift, while essential […]

- August 23, 2023
109 views 2 min

This intensified crackdown serves as a stark reminder of China’s resolve to protect its national security and technological supremacy against what it perceives as external threats. This article delves deep into the core of China’s aggressive approach to espionage, shedding light on the underlying motives driving this unprecedented campaign and the sweeping implications reverberating throughout […]

- August 23, 2023
232 views 32 sec

Hidden debt, often referred to as “off-balance-sheet debt” or “shadow debt,” arises from financial obligations not explicitly stated on a government’s official balance sheet. These obligations stem from public-private partnerships, local government financing vehicles (LGFVs), and other opaque financial arrangements. While these initiatives might stimulate short-term economic growth, the lack of transparency surrounding the associated […]

- August 23, 2023
112 views 3 min

The United States has a history of providing military assistance to Taiwan, a self-governing island nation that China considers a part of its territory. This support is rooted in the Taiwan Relations Act, enacted in 1979, which obligates the U.S. to help Taiwan maintain a credible defense against any external threat. Over the years, Washington […]

- August 23, 2023
108 views 3 min

At the heart of this issue lie strategic geopolitical interests. The Ayungin Shoal, situated within the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone, holds considerable significance in terms of geopolitical positioning. China’s purported humanitarian mission could be seen as a convenient way to advance its territorial claims, disguising its ambitions behind a humanitarian facade. The timing of the […]

- August 22, 2023
117 views 2 min

The causes of China’s economic slowdown are multifaceted. The nation’s endeavor to shift from an export-driven economy to one centered around domestic consumption has presented challenges in balancing demand, managing debt, and curtailing industry overcapacity. Additionally, a shifting demographic landscape marked by an aging population and dwindling workforce has introduced strains on social services and […]

- August 22, 2023
105 views 2 min

The complex relationship between Taiwan and China is marked by historical tensions and intricate political factors. China’s assertion of Taiwan as its territory, and its refusal to rule out military force to achieve reunification, has compelled Taiwan to invest in modernizing its military. Central to this effort is the transformation of its naval capabilities from […]