- July 23, 2023
878 views 2 min

The US government’s response to the 2023 Cambodia election was swift and robust. As a champion of democratic values worldwide, the US aimed to express its deep concern about the conduct of the electoral process in Cambodia. In light of the perceived irregularities, the US decided to suspend certain types of aid to the country […]

- July 23, 2023
453 views 3 min

In recent years, China has experienced a significant rise in job scarcity, prompting an intriguing and concerning response: the emergence of “full-time children.” This unique phenomenon involves adults finding work as surrogate children or companions for parents and elderly adults. The trend has gained momentum amidst economic challenges, rapid urbanization, and a growing aging population. […]

- July 23, 2023
763 views 3 min

During an undisclosed date, the Chinese National Health Commission released updated COVID-19 data, indicating a significant increase in the number of deaths attributed to the virus. The figures pointed to over one million additional COVID-related deaths in China, surpassing previous estimates. However, the data was promptly taken down from official channels, leaving the world puzzled […]

- July 22, 2023
963 views 2 min

The incident took place at the Xinghua Primary School in a remote town in China. The school was a hub of activity as students were going about their daily routines when the calamity struck. The roof of the gymnasium suddenly caved in, trapping many underneath the debris. Rescue teams, along with local authorities, were immediately […]

- July 11, 2023
1,042 views 2 min

China’s Producer Price Index (PPI) continued its downward trajectory in June, marking a further decline. Factors such as weakened global demand, rising raw material costs, and excess production capacity have contributed to this fall. Sectors like manufacturing, mining, and raw material extraction have been particularly affected. The continuous decrease in producer prices puts pressure on […]

- July 11, 2023
913 views 2 min

Several factors have contributed to the mounting selling pressure in China’s stock market. Firstly, regulatory crackdowns by the Chinese government in sectors such as technology, education, and fintech have created uncertainty and investor anxiety. Secondly, the Evergrande Group, one of China’s largest property developers, is facing a severe debt crisis, leading to fears of a […]

- July 10, 2023
806 views 2 min

China has become one of the largest film markets globally, prompting Hollywood studios to cater to its demands. However, accessing this market requires navigating strict censorship regulations and guidelines that limit creative freedom and expression. The potential for massive box office revenues from China has led to significant compromises by filmmakers and studios. Cruz’s criticism […]

- July 10, 2023
471 views 2 min

China has long enjoyed preferential trade status with the United States under the Most Favored Nation (MFN) principle. However, DeSantis contends that this status has given China unfair advantages, including intellectual property theft, currency manipulation, and the dumping of cheap products. He believes these practices have harmed American industries, leading to job losses and compromised […]

- July 10, 2023
508 views 2 min

WeChat, developed by Tencent, has become a ubiquitous platform used by millions worldwide. Its extensive user base and influence have drawn attention to its role in disseminating information and potential implications for democratic processes. However, WeChat refused to send representatives to testify before the Australian Parliament as part of an inquiry on foreign interference, citing […]

- July 10, 2023
355 views 2 min

China’s descent into deflation is the result of multiple factors. Slowing economic growth, driven by a shift from exports to domestic consumption, has played a significant role. Weaker demand, both domestically and internationally, coupled with overcapacity in certain sectors, has put downward pressure on prices. Additionally, trade tensions with major economies, such as the United […]