- June 9, 2023
633 views 2 min

In an unexpected twist during a seemingly ordinary dinner date, a man made a hasty exit, leaving his date and her 23 relatives bewildered and abandoned in a local restaurant. The incident swiftly gained attention, drawing both scrutiny and intrigue. What was meant to be a pleasant evening turned into a bizarre situation that sparked […]

- June 9, 2023
889 views 2 min

In Tianjin, China, alarming reports have emerged regarding noticeable cracks appearing on the walls and facades of high-rise buildings. This discovery has immediately prompted authorities to take swift action to ensure the safety of the residents. As a result, thousands of individuals have been relocated to temporary shelters or alternative accommodations while comprehensive safety inspections […]

- June 8, 2023
716 views 3 min

The Tiananmen Square massacre unfolded in Beijing, China, when pro-democracy protests, primarily led by students, reached their zenith. Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Tiananmen Square to demand political reforms, freedom of speech, and an end to corruption. The Chinese government responded with a heavy hand, deploying the People’s Liberation Army to suppress the […]

- June 4, 2023
502 views 2 min

‘Glory to Hong Kong’ emerged during the 2019 protests and has since become an anthem of hope for many Hong Kongers. The song’s stirring lyrics capture the resilience and courage that define the pro-democracy movement. The recent mass singing event showcased the citizens’ unity and defiance, despite increased restrictions on public assembly. It sent a […]

- June 4, 2023
674 views 2 min

On the solemn occasion of the Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary, Hong Kong’s authorities swiftly detained ten individuals, including Joshua Wong, a well-known pro-democracy activist. The arrests were made under the pretense of organizing and participating in unauthorized assemblies related to the Tiananmen anniversary. These detentions further highlight the challenges faced by pro-democracy activists and raise […]

- June 4, 2023
410 views 3 min

The disputed waters of the South China Sea witnessed a potentially disastrous event as warships from China and the United States came perilously close to colliding. The incident occurred in an area where competing claims and overlapping interests create a volatile environment. China and the US offer contrasting accounts of the near collision, each blaming […]