- August 21, 2023
91 views 2 min

The relationship between China and Africa has deep historical roots, often rooted in economic cooperation, infrastructure development, and trade. In this context, China’s investments in African nations have contributed to infrastructural development and economic growth. However, concerns have been raised about the underlying intentions of China’s involvement in the continent. Reports suggest that China, particularly […]

- August 21, 2023
1,314 views 2 min

The automotive landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, with electric vehicles emerging as a key player in the industry’s evolution. As countries around the world prioritize environmental sustainability and reduce carbon footprints, the demand for electric vehicles has surged. However, the success of EVs hinges on the efficiency, capacity, and innovation of their battery systems. […]

- August 21, 2023
117 views 3 min

Amid the ongoing discussions about international relations, allegations have emerged that funds connected to the CCP have found their way into the NIH. This revelation has prompted Chip Roy, a prominent figure in the Republican Party, and his colleagues to voice their concerns. The allegations suggest that these funds might be influencing research activities or […]