- August 24, 2023
108 views 3 min

China’s military exercises near Taiwan have long been a subject of concern for regional stability. These drills, involving naval vessels and aircraft, are often interpreted as displays of China’s military capabilities and a show of force directed at Taiwan and its allies. However, the recent series of drills appears to be more restrained than some […]

- August 22, 2023
104 views 2 min

The complex relationship between Taiwan and China is marked by historical tensions and intricate political factors. China’s assertion of Taiwan as its territory, and its refusal to rule out military force to achieve reunification, has compelled Taiwan to invest in modernizing its military. Central to this effort is the transformation of its naval capabilities from […]

- June 8, 2023
721 views 3 min

The Tiananmen Square massacre unfolded in Beijing, China, when pro-democracy protests, primarily led by students, reached their zenith. Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Tiananmen Square to demand political reforms, freedom of speech, and an end to corruption. The Chinese government responded with a heavy hand, deploying the People’s Liberation Army to suppress the […]