- August 30, 2023
1,279 views 3 min

The South China Sea dispute involves multiple countries, including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, and Malaysia, all laying claim to different parts of this economically vital waterway. This has led to overlapping territorial claims and simmering tensions in the region, with significant implications for global trade. China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea is […]

- August 29, 2023
110 views 3 min

‘Exercise Alon’ holds a profound significance as it underscores the robust and enduring partnership between the Philippines and Australia, both nations sharing a rich history of cooperation across various domains, with their military alliance standing as a pivotal pillar in the realm of regional security. The overarching objectives of ‘Exercise Alon’ revolve around several key […]

- August 29, 2023
112 views 3 min

The revelation of the Chinese Ministry’s involvement in a massive online propaganda campaign emerged from tireless investigative journalism and cyber sleuthing. Researchers and cybersecurity experts traced the origins of thousands of disinformation campaigns and fake social media accounts, eventually exposing the operation’s roots in the Chinese Ministry. This sprawling operation spanned numerous social media platforms […]

- August 28, 2023
232 views 3 min

Conceived as a green, smart, and sustainable city, the Forest City project aimed to be a shining example of eco-friendly urban development. Located on four artificial islands near Johor Bahru, just a stone’s throw from Singapore, this mega-project was envisioned as a global destination, featuring lush greenery, advanced technology, and an attractive living environment. Forest […]

- August 28, 2023
207 views 2 min

Several factors have contributed to the precipitous decline in Evergrande’s share price. First and foremost, the company is drowning in debt, with liabilities exceeding $300 billion. Its high leverage ratio became increasingly unsustainable, especially with the Chinese government implementing stricter regulations on real estate borrowing and property sales. Investors grew concerned about the company’s ability […]

- August 28, 2023
430 views 2 min

China’s stock market has undergone its share of turbulence, characterized by boom-and-bust cycles, regulatory interventions, and periods of relative stability. Recent regulatory actions, particularly impacting technology and education companies, have made international headlines, raising concerns among investors. However, these measures should be viewed as tactical rather than long-term strategies. China’s ascent as a global economic […]

- August 28, 2023
98 views 3 min

De-dollarization has been on the agenda of BRICS nations for some time. The desire to reduce their vulnerability to the volatility of the U.S. dollar, as well as assert their economic independence, has been a driving force behind this initiative. However, the summit highlighted the complexities and challenges associated with achieving this goal. One of […]

- August 28, 2023
108 views 2 min

At its core, the China-US relationship is a multifaceted entity shaped by their roles as economic giants and global political players. While China’s vast economy and status as the largest creditor to the US might suggest substantial leverage, Dr. Wang argues otherwise. Economic interdependence serves as a powerful counterpoint to notions of Chinese leverage. Both […]

- August 28, 2023
105 views 2 min

One significant catalyst for these supply chain alterations has been the ongoing trade tensions between China and the United States. The imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods escalated operational costs for numerous American firms. Consequently, many began exploring alternative supply chain sources as a means of mitigating these financial risks. The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare […]

- August 28, 2023
119 views 3 min

Semiconductors are the essential building blocks of modern technology, powering everything from smartphones and computers to medical devices and automobiles. For years, China, often referred to as the “world’s factory,” has played a pivotal role in semiconductor production. Nevertheless, recent challenges, including those posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the global chip shortage, have laid […]