- August 23, 2023
774 views 2 min

One of the most frequently mentioned candidates to rival China’s economic might is India. With its large and youthful population, India boasts immense potential for economic growth. However, it also faces significant challenges such as bureaucratic red tape, infrastructure deficits, and economic inequality. India’s trajectory towards becoming a global economic engine will largely depend on […]

- August 23, 2023
106 views 2 min

Huawei’s struggles in the face of these sanctions have been marked by heightened tensions between China and the United States. The US government has expressed concerns over Huawei’s close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and allegations of espionage, resulting in a series of restrictions and sanctions. These measures have significantly disrupted Huawei’s global supply […]

- August 23, 2023
320 views 3 min

The South China Sea, spanning approximately 3.5 million square kilometers, is known for its vast natural resources, rich marine biodiversity, and strategic location for international trade. China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan each claim different portions of this sea, leading to a longstanding dispute over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights. China, asserting historical […]

- August 23, 2023
106 views 3 min

In the latest incident, Chinese vessels were reported to have obstructed two Philippine Coast Guard ships as they patrolled near the Scarborough Shoal, an area that has been at the center of disputes between China and the Philippines. The Chinese ships allegedly prevented the Philippine vessels from accessing the shoal, heightening tensions and sparking concerns […]

- August 23, 2023
109 views 4 min

Myanmar, also known as Burma, has been embroiled in turmoil since February 1, 2021, when the military, led by General Min Aung Hlaing, staged a coup and ousted the democratically elected government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. This power grab has resulted in widespread protests, civil disobedience movements, and violent crackdowns by the military, […]

- August 23, 2023
103 views 3 min

India’s rise within BRICS can be attributed to several significant factors. Firstly, its economic growth has been remarkable, positioning it as one of the world’s fastest-growing major economies. India’s vast and increasingly affluent population offers substantial market potential, making it an attractive partner for other BRICS nations. Additionally, India’s strategic location in South Asia gives […]

- August 23, 2023
97 views 3 min

Japan has been grappling with the lingering aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster that unfolded in 2011 following a massive earthquake and tsunami. Over the past decade, significant efforts have been invested in cleaning up the contaminated site. However, a major challenge persists: the accumulation of vast amounts of treated but radioactive water. In response […]

- August 23, 2023
110 views 4 min

The Australia-U.S. alliance is not a recent development. It dates back to the early 20th century, with both nations fighting alongside each other in various conflicts, including World War I and World War II. This shared history laid the foundation for a robust partnership that has evolved significantly over time. However, it is in recent […]

- August 23, 2023
110 views 2 min

Data has become the currency of modern society. It informs policies, guides businesses, and influences public opinion. However, it’s crucial to recognize that data is never entirely neutral. Selecting which data to present and how to present it constructs a narrative that can significantly impact how people perceive reality. China, a global superpower, has long […]

- August 23, 2023
115 views 2 min

One of the primary drivers behind the economic challenges faced by Chinese consumers is the shifting consumption patterns within the country. Traditionally, China has been known as a manufacturing powerhouse, driving its economic growth. However, in recent years, there has been a concerted effort to rebalance the economy towards consumption-led growth. This shift, while essential […]