- August 15, 2023
487 views 3 min

The issue of Taiwan’s formal name is deeply intertwined with questions of sovereignty and identity. Taiwan has been self-governed since 1949 when the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) retreated to the island following their defeat in the Chinese Civil War. The ROC government established itself in Taiwan and continued to view itself as the legitimate government […]

- August 15, 2023
222 views 4 min

The Taiwan issue dates back to the Chinese Civil War when the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) retreated to Taiwan following their defeat by the Communist Party in 1949. Since then, Taiwan has functioned as a self-governing democratic entity with its own government, military, and constitution. However, China considers Taiwan a part of its territory and […]

- August 15, 2023
725 views 4 min

Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China, has functioned as a separate and self-governing entity since the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949 when the Nationalists (Kuomintang) retreated to the island following their defeat by the Communists led by Mao Zedong. China, officially the People’s Republic of China, claims Taiwan as an […]

- August 15, 2023
919 views 2 min

The PoI serves as a critical junction in telecommunications networks, enabling seamless communication between different networks. Huawei, a major player in the telecom industry, traditionally supplied equipment and services for these interconnections in numerous countries. However, concerns about the security of Huawei’s equipment have grown in recent years, with nations fearing data breaches and espionage […]

- August 15, 2023
625 views 4 min

The lawsuit in question involves a prominent Chinese Filecoin project called “Filecoin Xiaozhi.” This project, like many others in the blockchain space, aimed to leverage the Filecoin network to create a decentralized storage ecosystem. Filecoin, for those unfamiliar, is a blockchain-based storage network that allows users to buy and sell storage space using the FIL […]

- August 15, 2023
388 views 4 min

Intel’s pursuit of Tower Semiconductor, an Israeli analog semiconductor foundry specialist, was hailed as a strategic move aimed at fortifying Intel’s position in the global semiconductor market. Tower Semiconductor’s expertise in analog chip manufacturing holds paramount importance across a spectrum of applications, encompassing automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics. The acquisition was anticipated to enhance Intel’s […]

- August 14, 2023
745 views 4 min

China’s economic transformation over the past few decades has been nothing short of remarkable. As the world’s second-largest economy, China has attracted a substantial amount of foreign investment, with hedge funds being no exception. For years, US investors were drawn to China hedge funds as they offered the potential for high returns in a rapidly […]

- August 14, 2023
955 views 3 min

China’s assertiveness on the global stage has manifested in various ways, including territorial disputes in the South China Sea, economic coercion against trading partners, and human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet. These actions have raised alarm bells among its neighboring countries and the international community, leading to calls for a coordinated response. The United […]

- August 13, 2023
786 views 3 min

The South China Sea is a region of strategic importance due to its vast natural resources and its role in global trade. Several countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and others, have competing territorial claims in the area, leading to longstanding disputes. The recent escalation involves the presence of Chinese ships near Pag-Asa Island and […]

- August 13, 2023
518 views 2 min

China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea are based on its infamous “nine-dash line,” which encompasses almost the entire sea, overlapping with the claims of several other countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. China’s aggressive actions in the region, such as the construction of artificial islands, military fortifications, and patrols by […]