- August 28, 2023
111 views 3 min

China’s battle against corruption has been a central theme of its political agenda in recent years. President Xi Jinping’s administration has shown an unwavering commitment to rooting out corruption at all levels of the government and society. The high-profile anti-graft campaign has led to the investigation and prosecution of numerous officials, ranging from low-level bureaucrats […]

- August 28, 2023
6,816 views 3 min

China has long been embroiled in territorial disputes with various neighboring countries, including India. The depiction of contested regions on official maps has often been a contentious issue. In this recent incident, parts of India’s northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and the union territory of Ladakh have been shown as part of Chinese territory in […]

- August 28, 2023
108 views 3 min

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 led to the accumulation of vast amounts of radioactive water used to cool the damaged reactors. After years of debate and consideration, Japan decided to release the treated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. While Japanese authorities emphasized the safety of the treated water, the decision sparked domestic and […]

- August 28, 2023
114 views 22 sec

South Korea’s recent security agreement with a Western nation aims to enhance defense cooperation, intelligence sharing, and joint military exercises. While specifics remain undisclosed, the agreement signifies a deepening of ties between South Korea and its Western ally. China views such security agreements skeptically, perceiving them as encroachments on its influence. The South Korea-Western alliance […]

- August 28, 2023
104 views 3 min

The water complaint phone calls in question refer to China’s practice of lodging complaints through official channels against Japanese vessels operating near disputed waters in the East China Sea. These disputed waters, which contain valuable fishing grounds and potential energy resources, have been a focal point of territorial disputes between China, Japan, and other neighboring […]

- August 28, 2023
107 views 3 min

One significant aspect of this shift is the changing value system among Chinese youth. While previous generations prioritized job security and stability, the newer generation is placing more emphasis on personal fulfillment, creativity, and work-life balance. This change is partly influenced by increased exposure to global trends through technology and social media, which has expanded […]

- August 28, 2023
115 views 2 min

The decision to flee one’s home and seek refuge abroad is never easy. It often involves leaving behind loved ones, familiar surroundings, and one’s own culture. However, the desperation to escape persecution and repression propels many to undertake the perilous journey. These individuals, often labeled as dissidents, journalists, or human rights advocates, hope to rebuild […]

- August 27, 2023
119 views 2 min

One of the primary drivers behind the exodus of capital from China is the series of regulatory crackdowns initiated by the government, led by President Xi Jinping. These stringent regulatory measures have impacted a range of sectors, from technology and finance to education. Investors have been unnerved by the unpredictability of these regulatory changes, leading […]

- August 27, 2023
124 views 3 min

At the heart of China’s economic woes lies a complex interplay of factors. Foremost among them are trade tensions. Prolonged disputes with the United States, punctuated by tit-for-tat tariffs, have disrupted global supply chains. This ongoing instability has left investors and businesses grappling with uncertainty, casting a shadow over China’s economic prospects. Demographic shifts further […]

- August 27, 2023
109 views 4 min

Russia, a pioneer in space exploration since the dawn of the space age, has reaffirmed its commitment to push the boundaries of human achievement in space. In a statement that echoed the audacity of the 1960s space race, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced an ambitious plan to conquer new frontiers. He outlined a vision that […]