- September 22, 2023
141 views 3 min

The Arunachal Pradesh region, known as the “Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains,” is a diverse and culturally rich part of India. However, China claims this region as part of its territory, calling it South Tibet. This territorial dispute has been a long-standing issue between the two Asian giants, dating back to the early 20th century. […]

- September 9, 2023
110 views 3 min

The Transcontinental Transport Corridor was officially introduced during the G20 Summit in a prominent Middle Eastern city. This initiative is the result of collaborative efforts between several G20 member nations, with India taking a leading role. The project has garnered extensive support from participating countries and serves as a testament to the power of international […]

- September 9, 2023
128 views 3 min

President Joe Biden’s administration has marked a strategic pivot towards India. This change is motivated by several factors, including India’s growing economic prowess, its strategic location in the Indo-Pacific region, and shared concerns about China’s expansionist ambitions. The Quad, a strategic forum comprising the United States, India, Japan, and Australia, has gained prominence. It seeks […]

- September 6, 2023
189 views 4 min

The roots of this dispute can be traced back to longstanding border issues between India and China. The two Asian giants share a vast border, which stretches for thousands of kilometers and has been a source of tension for decades. The regions of Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh have been particularly contentious. China’s new map, […]

- September 4, 2023
759 views 2 min

Originating in the 1960s, the China-India border dispute has seen sporadic conflicts and ongoing negotiations. Two main areas of contention are Aksai Chin, controlled by China but claimed by India, and Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian state disputed by China. In recent years, water resources in the Himalayan region have become a focal point of concern. […]

- September 3, 2023
106 views 3 min

At the heart of this diplomatic row lie the Kalapani, Limpiyadhura, and Lipulekh regions, which Nepal has historically asserted as part of its territory. These regions have been the subjects of contention between Nepal and India for decades, with overlapping territorial claims. Adding another layer of complexity to this issue, China has its own territorial […]

- September 3, 2023
188 views 57 sec

The territorial dispute over Arunachal Pradesh is a long-standing issue between India and China, stemming from the 1962 Sino-Indian War. Despite numerous rounds of negotiations, a lasting resolution remains elusive. The region’s importance lies not only in its strategic location but also in its cultural and geographic significance to India. At the heart of the […]

- September 3, 2023
252 views 3 min

Prime Minister Modi’s statement underscores India’s firm stance on maintaining its autonomy and independence in foreign affairs. It reaffirms the principle that decisions related to diplomatic engagements are internal matters, guided by the nation’s interests and strategic objectives. This declaration is particularly relevant in the context of India’s complex relationships with both Pakistan and China. […]

- August 31, 2023
176 views 2 min

Over the past decade, China has significantly upgraded its submarine capabilities, both quantitatively and qualitatively, making the Bay of Bengal a critical arena for its maritime ambitions. This modernization forms part of China’s broader maritime strategy, aimed at securing its interests and challenging regional rivals, including India. India views China’s expanding submarine activities in the […]

- August 31, 2023
115 views 3 min

The new map released by China provides a comprehensive view of its territorial assertions, ranging from the South China Sea to its western borders. Notably, this updated cartographic representation reaffirms China’s claim over the South China Sea islands, an area rich in natural resources and a key maritime trade route. The disputed nature of these […]