- August 29, 2023
104 views 3 min

Japan and the Philippines share a historical relationship that dates back to pre-modern times. However, it’s the aftermath of World War II that significantly shaped their contemporary ties. The devastation caused by the war led to the establishment of a new world order, and Japan emerged as a key regional player with a focus on […]

- August 23, 2023
992 views 3 min

This article delves into the evolving narrative of the growing tension between the Philippines and China, shedding The backdrop to this tension is the South China Sea, a region rife with territorial disputes and intricate trade routes. China’s rapid ascent as a global power has led to concerns and disagreements with neighboring nations over territorial […]

- August 23, 2023
318 views 3 min

The South China Sea, spanning approximately 3.5 million square kilometers, is known for its vast natural resources, rich marine biodiversity, and strategic location for international trade. China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan each claim different portions of this sea, leading to a longstanding dispute over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights. China, asserting historical […]

- August 23, 2023
104 views 3 min

In the latest incident, Chinese vessels were reported to have obstructed two Philippine Coast Guard ships as they patrolled near the Scarborough Shoal, an area that has been at the center of disputes between China and the Philippines. The Chinese ships allegedly prevented the Philippine vessels from accessing the shoal, heightening tensions and sparking concerns […]

- August 22, 2023
108 views 3 min

The Philippines’ resupply mission targeted the Scarborough Shoal, an area claimed by both the Philippines and China. The shoal, known as Panatag Shoal in the Philippines and Huangyan Island in China, has been a focal point of territorial disputes for years. Despite diplomatic negotiations and international arbitration, tensions have continued to simmer. The Philippines’ decision […]

- August 22, 2023
122 views 2 min

The exercise, held on the scenic island of Palawan, was designed to bolster coordination and synergy between the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). By engaging in simulated scenarios and strategic training activities, the exercise aimed to refine the forces’ ability to work seamlessly together in response to a […]

- August 21, 2023
321 views 4 min

The South China Sea, a highly contested body of water, has been a focal point of international tensions for years. China’s territorial claims, encompassing almost the entire sea through its “nine-dash line,” have been met with opposition from neighboring countries and global powers. The region holds immense geopolitical importance due to its trade routes, rich […]

- August 20, 2023
756 views 50 sec

The South China Sea remains a contentious arena with multiple countries asserting territorial claims. China’s expansive claims have led to disputes with neighboring nations. These disputes have resulted in naval standoffs, territorial incursions, and diplomatic conflicts. The joint navy drills demonstrate solidarity among the US, Japan, and Australia. While specifics are yet to be unveiled, […]

- August 18, 2023
433 views 2 min

This unified stance comes as a response to a series of concerns about China’s behavior, particularly its territorial assertions, human rights record, and trade practices. One major point of contention is China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea, where it has been constructing artificial islands and staking territorial claims that clash with those of neighboring […]

- August 17, 2023
293 views 4 min

Teodoro Locsin Jr., a seasoned diplomat and politician, has never been one to mince his words. Throughout his career, he has been a vocal and forthright advocate of Philippine sovereignty. His firm stance on national interests came to the forefront during his tenure as the Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs, where he openly expressed his […]