- August 15, 2023
743 views 4 min

The South China Sea is a prime example of China’s maritime assertiveness. This semi-enclosed sea is bordered by several countries, including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. It is not only a critical maritime trade route but also rich in natural resources. China’s aggressive territorial claims in the form of the infamous “nine-dash […]

- August 15, 2023
1,302 views 2 min

Woody Island, also known as Yongxing Island in Chinese and Phu Lam Island in Vietnamese, is the largest of the Paracel Islands, a disputed archipelago situated in the northern part of the South China Sea. It has been under Chinese control since the 1950s and is currently home to a military garrison, a small civilian […]

- August 14, 2023
947 views 3 min

China’s assertiveness on the global stage has manifested in various ways, including territorial disputes in the South China Sea, economic coercion against trading partners, and human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet. These actions have raised alarm bells among its neighboring countries and the international community, leading to calls for a coordinated response. The United […]

- August 13, 2023
778 views 3 min

The South China Sea is a region of strategic importance due to its vast natural resources and its role in global trade. Several countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and others, have competing territorial claims in the area, leading to longstanding disputes. The recent escalation involves the presence of Chinese ships near Pag-Asa Island and […]

- August 13, 2023
511 views 2 min

China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea are based on its infamous “nine-dash line,” which encompasses almost the entire sea, overlapping with the claims of several other countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. China’s aggressive actions in the region, such as the construction of artificial islands, military fortifications, and patrols by […]

- August 12, 2023
707 views 3 min

In a bid to ease escalating tensions in the South China Sea, China (CH) has extended a call to the Philippines (PH) to collaboratively work towards a peaceful resolution. This gesture comes amid growing concerns over territorial disputes and maritime conflicts in the region. The proposition for joint efforts to defuse the situation underscores the […]

- June 12, 2023
866 views 2 min

China aims to protect its vast territorial and maritime claims, driven by a long coastline and reliance on overseas trade. Control over critical sea lanes and resource-rich waters, like the South China Sea and East China Sea, not only safeguards China’s economic interests but also enhances its geopolitical standing on the global stage. In 2018, […]

- June 4, 2023
410 views 3 min

The disputed waters of the South China Sea witnessed a potentially disastrous event as warships from China and the United States came perilously close to colliding. The incident occurred in an area where competing claims and overlapping interests create a volatile environment. China and the US offer contrasting accounts of the near collision, each blaming […]