- September 27, 2023
268 views 4 min

The floating barrier in question, which measures approximately 1.3 kilometers in length, was first reported by Filipino fishermen who encountered it while fishing near Recto Bank, an area the Philippines considers part of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Recto Bank is known for its rich fishing grounds and potential oil and natural gas reserves. The […]

- September 27, 2023
278 views 3 min

The Philippines, an archipelagic nation situated in Southeast Asia, boasts a vast and strategically important maritime domain. With a coastline spanning over 36,000 kilometers and a vast expanse of territorial waters, the country’s security and sovereignty rely heavily on the strength of its maritime forces. As regional dynamics evolve, enhancing naval capabilities, particularly the introduction […]

- September 27, 2023
799 views 2 min

The C-208 Caravan is a versatile aircraft known for its durability and cost-effectiveness. Its long endurance allows it to conduct extended surveillance missions, covering vast maritime areas efficiently. Equipped with various sensor packages, including maritime patrol radars and electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) cameras, it can gather crucial information about vessels and maritime activities. This aircraft’s adaptability and […]

- September 26, 2023
619 views 3 min

The backdrop to this incident is the longstanding dispute over the Scarborough Shoal, referred to as Huangyan Island in China and Panatag Shoal in the Philippines. For decades, this small yet strategically vital landmass has been a bone of contention between the two nations. Both countries assert historical and legal rights to this area, representing […]

- September 26, 2023
329 views 3 min

The South China Sea has emerged as a focal point of international concern due to its strategic importance, encompassing vast fisheries, major shipping lanes, and substantial energy resources. However, disputes over territorial claims involving nations such as China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei have fueled ongoing tensions. China has played a prominent role […]

- September 26, 2023
231 views 2 min

The South China Sea has been a contentious area for years, with multiple countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan, asserting territorial claims over various islands and waters within the region. These disputes have often led to confrontations, military posturing, and diplomatic tensions. The recent incident involves the removal of a floating […]

- September 26, 2023
256 views 4 min

The South China Sea is a strategically vital waterway in Southeast Asia, through which a significant portion of the world’s trade passes. It is also rich in natural resources, including oil and gas reserves, making it a region of immense economic and geopolitical importance. Several nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan, […]

- September 26, 2023
141 views 4 min

The Scarborough Shoal, located approximately 120 nautical miles west of the Philippines’ Zambales province, has been a source of tension in the South China Sea. Both the Philippines and China have historical claims to the shoal, and this overlapping territorial dispute has resulted in standoffs and diplomatic tensions over the years. In 2016, an international […]

- September 26, 2023
204 views 3 min

The South China Sea has long been a contentious area, with overlapping territorial claims by several nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Taiwan. At the heart of this dispute are potentially vast reserves of natural resources, including fish stocks, oil, and natural gas. The ambiguity and competing claims have led to a complex […]

- September 26, 2023
151 views 4 min

The South China Sea is a highly contested region, with several countries, including the Philippines and China, laying claim to various parts of it. These disputes primarily revolve around the ownership of islands, reefs, and the rights to exploit the rich fishing grounds and potential energy resources found in the area. China’s expansive territorial claims, […]