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Xi Jinping Reaches Into China’s Ancient History for a New Claim to Rule

- September 12, 2023
Xi Jinping Reaches Into China’s Ancient History for a New Claim to Rule

Xi Jinping’s presidency has been marked by a notable return to traditional Chinese culture and values as a source of political legitimacy. Contrasting with the pragmatic approaches of some predecessors, Xi emphasizes the importance of these traditions in China’s rejuvenation on the global stage.

One of Xi Jinping’s central concepts is the “Chinese Dream,” which envisions the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, national prosperity, and individual happiness. While modern in concept, Xi roots it in Chinese historical narratives, asserting that China is returning to its historical position of strength.

Xi Jinping’s promotion of Confucianism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, further underscores his emphasis on traditional values. He highlights Confucian principles like filial piety, social harmony, and moral integrity as vital elements of Chinese culture, providing a moral framework for Chinese society in line with his vision.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), another of Xi’s flagship policies, is often framed historically. By referencing the ancient Silk Road trade routes, Xi portrays the BRI as a modern-day revival of China’s historical role as a global trade hub, justifying China’s expanding global presence.

Under Xi’s leadership, Chinese television and cinema have seen a resurgence of historical dramas and films. These productions depict stories from China’s dynastic past, reinforcing a sense of national pride and unity among the Chinese people.

Xi Jinping’s utilization of historical narratives has multiple implications. Firstly, it serves to strengthen his political control by positioning him as a leader capable of restoring China to greatness. Secondly, it fosters nationalism and unity among the Chinese populace by connecting the present to a storied past. Lastly, on the global stage, it asserts China’s influence and legitimacy in international politics, projecting an image of China as a historical powerhouse.

Xi Jinping’s skillful deployment of historical narratives as a tool of political legitimation plays a pivotal role in shaping contemporary China. Whether this strategy will prove successful in the long term remains uncertain, but it undoubtedly exerts significant influence on China’s domestic and international policies during Xi’s leadership.

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