PH Boat Damaged in Collision with China Coast Guard in South China Sea – PCG

Recent maritime tensions in the South China Sea have once again come into focus as a Philippine boat was reportedly damaged in a collision with a vessel from the China Coast Guard.

The incident, reported by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), underscores ongoing disputes in the region and raises concerns about maritime safety and security. According to the PCG, the collision occurred near the Scarborough Shoal, a disputed area claimed by both the Philippines and China. The Philippine boat, manned by Filipino fishermen, sustained damage to its […]

China Ships on Blockade Positions Amid Ayungin Resupply Mission

The presence of Chinese ships on blockade positions near Ayungin Shoal during the Philippine resupply mission highlights ongoing tensions and complex maritime disputes in the South China Sea.

Recent developments in the South China Sea have brought renewed attention to the complex geopolitical dynamics in the region. Reports indicate that Chinese ships have taken up blockade positions near Ayungin Shoal, escalating tensions amidst a Philippine resupply mission to its outpost in the disputed waters. This move by China underscores ongoing territorial disputes and […]

PCG Deploys Vessel to Philippine Rise: Exploring Our Maritime Frontier

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has taken a significant step in maritime exploration by sending a vessel to the Philippine Rise, an expansive underwater plateau located off the eastern coast of Luzon.

This move signifies a renewed focus on understanding and harnessing the rich marine resources of this region, which holds immense ecological and economic potential for the Philippines. The Philippine Rise, formerly known as Benham Rise, spans approximately 13 million hectares, making it larger than Luzon itself. Its deep-sea trenches, underwater mountains, and diverse marine ecosystems […]

China Reacts Strongly to the Philippines’ Ominous Warning

Tensions between China and the Philippines have escalated following a recent ominous warning issued by Philippine officials, signaling a potential shift in the geopolitical landscape of Southeast Asia.

The warning, which comes amid longstanding maritime disputes in the South China Sea, has elicited a strong reaction from China and raised concerns about regional stability. The Philippines’ warning, characterized as “ominous” by observers, centers on the country’s resolve to defend its sovereignty and maritime interests in the face of ongoing disputes with China. These […]

China Accused of Misrepresentation Regarding Permits: Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Speaks Out

Recent statements from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) have brought to light concerns about China's handling of permits and permissions related to maritime activities.

The PCG, responsible for safeguarding the Philippines’ maritime interests, has accused China of misrepresentation regarding permits, sparking renewed attention to maritime security issues in the region. The PCG’s allegations center around instances where Chinese vessels purportedly misrepresented their permits or lacked proper authorization while operating in Philippine waters. These incidents have raised questions about China’s […]

The Importance of Continuing Diplomatic Protests Over the West Philippine Sea

In recent years, the West Philippine Sea has been a focal point of international attention due to territorial disputes and geopolitical tensions.

Amidst this backdrop, a significant debate has emerged regarding the efficacy of diplomatic protests as a means of addressing these issues. A prominent lawmaker has voiced the opinion that the Philippines should not cease its diplomatic protests over the West Philippine Sea—a stance that merits exploration and discussion. The West Philippine Sea, part of the […]

PH beefs up naval presence in WPS

The West Philippine Sea (WPS) has long been a subject of international interest and controversy, primarily due to territorial disputes and the strategic importance of the region. The Philippines, as one of the claimant countries in the South China Sea, has recently taken significant steps to bolster its naval presence in the WPS, a move driven by its commitment to protect its sovereignty and maintain peace and stability in the area.

The WPS is a vast body of water, part of the South China Sea, located to the west of the Philippines. It has been a contentious area, with multiple countries staking claims to various features and islands within it. The Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei have overlapping territorial claims, leading to longstanding disputes. […]

Chinese-Korean company owns ship that hit Filipino fishing boat Dearyn

In the disputed South China Sea, tragedy struck as three Filipino fishermen lost their lives due to a collision with a passing commercial vessel, as reported by the Philippine coast guard on Wednesday.

The unfortunate incident occurred while the fishermen were aboard their vessel, F/B Dearyn, which was anchored in a fishing area within the open waters off the northwestern Philippines. In the early hours of Monday, the boat was struck by the passing vessel, leading to its capsizing and the tragic loss of its skipper and two […]

Assertive Transparency: The PH’s Counter Gray Zone Innovation

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the concept of "gray zone" activities has become a growing concern for nations. These ambiguous, non-traditional tactics blur the lines between war and peace, challenging the stability and security of states. The Philippines, a nation known for its archipelagic geography and strategic importance in Southeast Asia, has been proactive in developing an innovative approach known as "Assertive Transparency" to counter gray zone challenges.

The gray zone encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, including cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, economic coercion, and territorial encroachments. It poses a unique challenge for countries like the Philippines, which require a sophisticated response that goes beyond traditional military deterrence. Assertive Transparency is a novel strategy designed to address gray zone challenges. It combines deterrence with […]

Unveiling History: The Murillo Velarde Map and Its Significance in the Chicago Library Archives

The Chicago Library Archives house an incredible treasure that connects the present with the rich history of the Philippines: the Murillo Velarde Map. This historic manuscript is a testament to the enduring legacy of early cartography and the complex interplay of cultures during the colonial period. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Murillo Velarde Map and the valuable manuscripts preserved within the archives.

The Murillo Velarde Map, officially titled “Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Islas Filipinas,” was created in 1734 by the Spanish Jesuit priest and cartographer, Pedro Murillo Velarde. This remarkable map is a painstakingly detailed representation of the Philippines, including not only the geographical features but also the cultural and historical aspects of the archipelago. […]