Chinese-Korean company owns ship that hit Filipino fishing boat Dearyn

In the disputed South China Sea, tragedy struck as three Filipino fishermen lost their lives due to a collision with a passing commercial vessel, as reported by the Philippine coast guard on Wednesday.

The unfortunate incident occurred while the fishermen were aboard their vessel, F/B Dearyn, which was anchored in a fishing area within the open waters off the northwestern Philippines. In the early hours of Monday, the boat was struck by the passing vessel, leading to its capsizing and the tragic loss of its skipper and two […]

Assertive Transparency: The PH’s Counter Gray Zone Innovation

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the concept of "gray zone" activities has become a growing concern for nations. These ambiguous, non-traditional tactics blur the lines between war and peace, challenging the stability and security of states. The Philippines, a nation known for its archipelagic geography and strategic importance in Southeast Asia, has been proactive in developing an innovative approach known as "Assertive Transparency" to counter gray zone challenges.

The gray zone encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, including cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, economic coercion, and territorial encroachments. It poses a unique challenge for countries like the Philippines, which require a sophisticated response that goes beyond traditional military deterrence. Assertive Transparency is a novel strategy designed to address gray zone challenges. It combines deterrence with […]

Unveiling History: The Murillo Velarde Map and Its Significance in the Chicago Library Archives

The Chicago Library Archives house an incredible treasure that connects the present with the rich history of the Philippines: the Murillo Velarde Map. This historic manuscript is a testament to the enduring legacy of early cartography and the complex interplay of cultures during the colonial period. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Murillo Velarde Map and the valuable manuscripts preserved within the archives.

The Murillo Velarde Map, officially titled “Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Islas Filipinas,” was created in 1734 by the Spanish Jesuit priest and cartographer, Pedro Murillo Velarde. This remarkable map is a painstakingly detailed representation of the Philippines, including not only the geographical features but also the cultural and historical aspects of the archipelago. […]

Close Call at Sea: Vessel’s Near Collision with PCG Ship During Ayungin Shoal Resupply Mission

In a recent and potentially perilous event, a vessel came dangerously close to colliding with a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship during a resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal. This incident underscores the challenges and complexities of maintaining a presence in the South China Sea, an area where territorial disputes have long been a point of contention.

Ayungin Shoal, also known as Second Thomas Shoal, is a submerged coral reef located in the heart of the South China Sea. It is a part of the Spratly Islands, an area claimed by several nations, including the Philippines and China. The Philippines has maintained a presence on the shoal by grounding and repurposing the […]

China’s Aggressive Acts: Philippines Defies Intimidation in South China Sea

In a recent, brazen display of aggression, Chinese Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels attempted - and failed - to block Philippine vessels on a crucial resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre, anchored at the disputed Ayungin Shoal. This audacious move underscores the persistent territorial disputes in the South China Sea and the Philippines' unwavering resolve in the face of intimidation.

The Ayungin Shoal, known as the Panatag Shoal in the Philippines and Huangyan Island in China, is a tiny yet strategically significant feature in the South China Sea. The Philippines, China, and Taiwan lay claim to this area, citing historical and geographical rights, thus creating a hotbed of contention. The most recent clash transpired when […]

Chinese Boats Block PH Fishers in Panatag: A Disputed Sea, Ongoing Tensions

In the ongoing dispute over territory in the South China Sea, tensions have once again flared as Chinese boats were reported to have blocked Filipino fishermen from accessing traditional fishing grounds around Panatag Shoal, also known as Scarborough Shoal. This incident underscores the complexity of maritime disputes in the region and the challenges faced by Philippine fishers.

The South China Sea has been a hotspot for territorial disputes among several nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. The Philippines, in particular, has been embroiled in a dispute with China over parts of the South China Sea, including Panatag Shoal, for many years. Panatag Shoal is a small, uninhabited land […]

The Rule of Law in Asian Hot Spots: A Complex Challenge

The concept of the "rule of law" is a fundamental pillar of modern democracies. It embodies the principle that all individuals and entities, including governments, are subject to and accountable under the law. While many Asian nations have made significant economic and social progress, challenges persist in upholding the rule of law, particularly in regions characterized as "hot spots." These hot spots often grapple with political instability, conflict, and complex historical factors, making the pursuit of the rule of law an intricate challenge.

One of the most prominent Asian hot spots is the West Philippine Sea, where territorial disputes have persisted for years, involving nations such as China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. The rule of law in this region faces a unique set of challenges, including the assertion of maritime claims and access to critical waterways. Tensions […]

US and Philippines Launch Annual Drills in Disputed South China Sea Amidst Rising Tensions with China

The South China Sea has long been a focal point of geopolitical tensions, with multiple countries asserting territorial claims in the region. In this turbulent context, the United States and the Philippines have recently begun their annual joint military exercises, signaling their commitment to regional security and stability. These exercises come at a time when China's assertiveness in the South China Sea has raised concerns among its neighboring nations and global powers.

The South China Sea is a strategically vital body of water, known for its vast reserves of oil and natural gas, thriving fisheries, and busy shipping lanes. It is also home to numerous disputed islands and maritime territories claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. These competing territorial claims have led to […]