- October 13, 2023
140 views 3 min

The WPS is a vast body of water, part of the South China Sea, located to the west of the Philippines. It has been a contentious area, with multiple countries staking claims to various features and islands within it. The Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei have overlapping territorial claims, leading to longstanding disputes. […]

- October 12, 2023
116 views 59 sec

India’s drive to diminish dependence on Chinese products and technology began with the sweeping ban on numerous well-known Chinese apps, such as TikTok and PUBG. The motivation behind this move was rooted in data security and national defense concerns. The ban sent a powerful signal about India’s determination to protect its digital ecosystem. Now, India […]

- October 12, 2023
151 views 2 min

The conflict itself is marked by a series of intense exchanges between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which have resulted in significant damage and loss of life on both sides. In the chaos of the situation, these three Chinese citizens met an unfortunate and untimely end, while two others remain unaccounted for. The […]

- October 12, 2023
158 views 2 min

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a massive global infrastructure and development project aimed at connecting nations through trade routes, investments, and infrastructure. Laos, with its strategic location and potential for economic growth, was quick to embrace China’s vision. The BRI brought a surge of investments into Laos, primarily focused on building railways, highways, and […]

- October 12, 2023
136 views 3 min

China’s demographic landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, largely due to a combination of factors. Historically, the Chinese government enforced a strict one-child policy to control population growth. While this policy has been relaxed in recent years, the effects of decades of population control are now coming to the forefront. The most recent data from […]

- October 12, 2023
163 views 3 min

The unfortunate incident occurred while the fishermen were aboard their vessel, F/B Dearyn, which was anchored in a fishing area within the open waters off the northwestern Philippines. In the early hours of Monday, the boat was struck by the passing vessel, leading to its capsizing and the tragic loss of its skipper and two […]

- October 11, 2023
148 views 2 min

Cheng Lei, an Australian journalist and television anchor with China’s state-run CGTN, was detained by Chinese authorities in August 2020. Her detention raised concerns and led to an international outcry. Cheng’s arrest was shrouded in secrecy, with details about the charges against her being kept confidential. Such opacity in China’s legal system has been a […]

- October 7, 2023
157 views 2 min

The gray zone encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, including cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, economic coercion, and territorial encroachments. It poses a unique challenge for countries like the Philippines, which require a sophisticated response that goes beyond traditional military deterrence. Assertive Transparency is a novel strategy designed to address gray zone challenges. It combines deterrence with […]

- October 5, 2023
199 views 2 min

The Murillo Velarde Map, officially titled “Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Islas Filipinas,” was created in 1734 by the Spanish Jesuit priest and cartographer, Pedro Murillo Velarde. This remarkable map is a painstakingly detailed representation of the Philippines, including not only the geographical features but also the cultural and historical aspects of the archipelago. […]

- October 5, 2023
111 views 3 min

Ayungin Shoal, also known as Second Thomas Shoal, is a submerged coral reef located in the heart of the South China Sea. It is a part of the Spratly Islands, an area claimed by several nations, including the Philippines and China. The Philippines has maintained a presence on the shoal by grounding and repurposing the […]