- April 12, 2024
467 views 2 min

The naval drills, which involved various maritime assets and personnel, aimed to simulate real-world scenarios and test the AFP’s readiness to respond to a range of challenges in the West Philippine Sea. These challenges include maritime patrols, search and rescue operations, and coordination with allied forces to address potential threats and ensure maritime safety and […]

- April 11, 2024
64 views 3 min

The West Philippine Sea, known for its strategic importance and rich marine resources, has been a focal point of maritime disputes involving China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and other neighboring countries. These disputes revolve around conflicting claims over islands, reefs, and maritime boundaries, leading to occasional confrontations and diplomatic tensions. The DND’s stance reflects a […]

- April 10, 2024
1,006 views 3 min

The PCG’s food security mission near Rozul Reef, which is part of the disputed Spratly Islands chain, aimed to provide assistance and supplies to Filipino fishermen in the area. However, according to reports, the mission encountered interference and harassment from Chinese maritime vessels, raising questions about freedom of navigation and access to vital resources in […]

- March 28, 2024
1,551 views 3 min

Following the harassment of Philippine supply boats near Ayungin Shoal, China has issued a stern warning to the Philippines, cautioning them to prepare for potential consequences. This development underscores the ongoing challenges in the region and the complexities of maritime disputes in one of the world’s most strategically significant waterways. The Ayungin Shoal incident involved […]

- March 27, 2024
3,321 views 2 min

This latest incident marks a significant escalation in the ongoing tensions over territorial claims in the highly contested region. The confrontation occurred in the waters near the Spratly Islands, an area claimed by multiple countries including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Taiwan. The Philippine vessel was reportedly conducting routine patrols in its exclusive economic […]

- March 25, 2024
8,360 views 2 min

This move reflects the Philippines’ commitment to asserting its sovereignty and protecting the rights of its citizens while navigating complex geopolitical challenges in the region. Scarborough Shoal, also known as Panatag Shoal or Bajo de Masinloc, is a contested area in the South China Sea claimed by both the Philippines and China. The strategic importance […]

- March 24, 2024
1,919 views 3 min

The incident, reported by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), underscores ongoing disputes in the region and raises concerns about maritime safety and security. According to the PCG, the collision occurred near the Scarborough Shoal, a disputed area claimed by both the Philippines and China. The Philippine boat, manned by Filipino fishermen, sustained damage to its […]

- March 23, 2024
9,047 views 3 min

Recent developments in the South China Sea have brought renewed attention to the complex geopolitical dynamics in the region. Reports indicate that Chinese ships have taken up blockade positions near Ayungin Shoal, escalating tensions amidst a Philippine resupply mission to its outpost in the disputed waters. This move by China underscores ongoing territorial disputes and […]

- March 22, 2024
982 views 3 min

This move signifies a renewed focus on understanding and harnessing the rich marine resources of this region, which holds immense ecological and economic potential for the Philippines. The Philippine Rise, formerly known as Benham Rise, spans approximately 13 million hectares, making it larger than Luzon itself. Its deep-sea trenches, underwater mountains, and diverse marine ecosystems […]

- March 21, 2024
2,747 views 2 min

The warning, which comes amid longstanding maritime disputes in the South China Sea, has elicited a strong reaction from China and raised concerns about regional stability. The Philippines’ warning, characterized as “ominous” by observers, centers on the country’s resolve to defend its sovereignty and maritime interests in the face of ongoing disputes with China. These […]