- October 13, 2023
134 views 3 min

The WPS is a vast body of water, part of the South China Sea, located to the west of the Philippines. It has been a contentious area, with multiple countries staking claims to various features and islands within it. The Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei have overlapping territorial claims, leading to longstanding disputes. […]

- October 12, 2023
158 views 3 min

The unfortunate incident occurred while the fishermen were aboard their vessel, F/B Dearyn, which was anchored in a fishing area within the open waters off the northwestern Philippines. In the early hours of Monday, the boat was struck by the passing vessel, leading to its capsizing and the tragic loss of its skipper and two […]

- October 7, 2023
154 views 2 min

The gray zone encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, including cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, economic coercion, and territorial encroachments. It poses a unique challenge for countries like the Philippines, which require a sophisticated response that goes beyond traditional military deterrence. Assertive Transparency is a novel strategy designed to address gray zone challenges. It combines deterrence with […]

- October 5, 2023
192 views 2 min

The Murillo Velarde Map, officially titled “Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Islas Filipinas,” was created in 1734 by the Spanish Jesuit priest and cartographer, Pedro Murillo Velarde. This remarkable map is a painstakingly detailed representation of the Philippines, including not only the geographical features but also the cultural and historical aspects of the archipelago. […]

- October 5, 2023
104 views 3 min

Ayungin Shoal, also known as Second Thomas Shoal, is a submerged coral reef located in the heart of the South China Sea. It is a part of the Spratly Islands, an area claimed by several nations, including the Philippines and China. The Philippines has maintained a presence on the shoal by grounding and repurposing the […]

- October 4, 2023
122 views 4 min

The Ayungin Shoal, known as the Panatag Shoal in the Philippines and Huangyan Island in China, is a tiny yet strategically significant feature in the South China Sea. The Philippines, China, and Taiwan lay claim to this area, citing historical and geographical rights, thus creating a hotbed of contention. The most recent clash transpired when […]

- October 2, 2023
129 views 3 min

The South China Sea has been a hotspot for territorial disputes among several nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. The Philippines, in particular, has been embroiled in a dispute with China over parts of the South China Sea, including Panatag Shoal, for many years. Panatag Shoal is a small, uninhabited land […]

- October 2, 2023
98 views 2 min

One of the most prominent Asian hot spots is the West Philippine Sea, where territorial disputes have persisted for years, involving nations such as China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. The rule of law in this region faces a unique set of challenges, including the assertion of maritime claims and access to critical waterways. Tensions […]

- October 2, 2023
121 views 3 min

The South China Sea is a strategically vital body of water, known for its vast reserves of oil and natural gas, thriving fisheries, and busy shipping lanes. It is also home to numerous disputed islands and maritime territories claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. These competing territorial claims have led to […]

- September 27, 2023
178 views 3 min

This forthcoming collaboration builds upon a longstanding history of military cooperation between the two nations, grounded in the Mutual Defense Treaty inked in 1951. The treaty serves as the bedrock of their security alliance, pledging mutual defense in case of an armed attack and adapting to address contemporary security challenges. The objectives of these maritime […]